Some common questions we get are:
Q. How can it be free?
A. You wil get all the hosting features of a paid account; in exchange we will place a banner on your web site. Companies will be able to target your specific web site, web site categeroy, or just randomly. Banners will be inserted into your web pages when the requests are sent to your visitors.
Q. What will the banner look like and what control will I have over the content?
A.Banners will differ based on the advertiser; however some common things to keep in mind.
- Banner sizes avilable will be:
468x60 pixels (Standard banner size)
120x600 pixels(Skyscrapper) and other options will exist also such as flash over banners.
Note: Additional banners may be introduced at a later time. Keep in mind that you will have the ability to control which banner size displays (for example 468x60) and where on your page you would like the banner to appear using our smartCode technology.
- You will have the power to define what (and even if) a banner shows up. We will not provide any paid accounts with our service; however for a fee you will be able to "remove" banners from your site. (Fee is monthly based and will begin at $35.00 per month).
- You will be selecting a category with your web site when you sign up for a hosting account. That category will dictate what type of banners show up on your sites.
Q. Can I make money with the banners since they are on my site?
A. We will (Q3 of 2007) be releasing a payback system to our web site owners. For every uniuque click that is done on a banner; the system will track and pay you for the traffic. More details as they become available.
Q. Can we use .NET or PHP in addition to ColdFusion?
A. Fre .NET and PHP hosts are a dime a dozen. The purpose of this site is to fulfill a need that is non-existent. Free ColdFusion hosting is pretty much unheard of since the ColdFusion server license is so costly. So the answer is no; PHP and .NET will not be enabled on our servers at this time. (will they be in the future? time will tell.. but probably not!).
Q. Will I be able to use Enterprise Manager to connect to Microsoft SQL?
A. Yes; you will be able to use Enterprise manager or query analyzer.